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What’s the Difference Between Dentures & Dental Implants?

A model of a dental implant sits next to a model of human teeth.

A full, healthy smile is about more than aesthetics—it’s crucial for your overall dental health. Whether you’re dealing with tooth loss due to decay, injury, or another reason, replacing missing teeth can prevent a host of dental issues, including bone loss and the remaining teeth shifting out of place.  Among the popular solutions, dentures and […]

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Is Invisalign Better than Braces?

Smiling girl holding Invisalign aligner and braces model.

When it comes to straightening teeth, there are typically two options: traditional braces or Invisalign. While both have their pros and cons, many people wonder if one is better than the other.  The answer to whether Invisalign is better than braces ultimately depends on individual needs and preferences. Invisalign aligners are clear, removable, and virtually […]

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How Long Can You Leave a Cavity Untreated?

A man applying pressure to his jaw; he is experiencing jaw pain possibly caused by an untreated cavity.

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, are a common but concerning dental issue. Many cavities are treatable with help from your dentist, but they can become a bigger issue without their help. With the damage cavities can do, many patients wonder how long they can go untreated.  There is no specific timeline for how long […]

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Difference Between Gingivitis & Periodontitis

A woman lying in a dentist’s chair and smiling and holding a handheld mirror while her dentist gently holds the sides of her face.

Gingivitis and periodontitis are both related to gum disease but represent different stages of the condition. Gingivitis is the early and milder form of gum disease. It can be easier to treat with an improved oral healthcare routine and regular visits to your dentist. But, treatment can become more difficult once it progresses past gingivitis. […]

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