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Category: Dental Treatment

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Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

Dentist showing a patient images from their dental x-rays and carefully explaining the results.

Dental X-rays are a standard tool in modern dentistry, helping dentists identify issues that fall beyond the scope of a routine dental exam. However, the low levels of radiation used in dental X-rays may nonetheless leave people wondering if dental X-rays are safe. The answer is yes, dental X-rays are generally safe. To minimize the […]

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When Is It Too Late for Gum Grafting?

a dentist screens a senuir woman for periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, or simply gum disease as it’s commonly called, is a common cause of receding gums. Fortunately, gum disease is treatable, and gum grafting can be used to restore your gums to their healthy state. There isn’t a fast-and-hard rule on when it’s too late to undergo gum grafting. But extensive damage to your […]

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What Are Pros & Cons of Invisalign?

Many people visit their dentist to treat misaligned or crowded teeth with traditional braces. While braces are helpful, there are more modern options available, such as Invisalign. This form of treatment uses a transparent aligner to gently shift your teeth into place.  If you’re interested in Invisalign, what are the pros and cons of this treatment? Continue reading […]

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