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Category: Invisalign

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Is Invisalign Supposed to Be Tight

A close-up of a woman's invisalign aligner.

If you’ve just started Invisalign or you’re thinking about trying it, you might wonder if the aligners should feel tight. Here’s the short answer—yes, they should feel snug! Tightness is not just normal; it’s how Invisalign works to straighten your teeth.  But why does this happen? Is it a good thing? And how can you […]

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Is Invisalign Better than Braces?

Smiling girl holding Invisalign aligner and braces model.

When it comes to straightening teeth, there are typically two options: traditional braces or Invisalign. While both have their pros and cons, many people wonder if one is better than the other.  The answer to whether Invisalign is better than braces ultimately depends on individual needs and preferences. Invisalign aligners are clear, removable, and virtually […]

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