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Category: Teeth Whitening

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What Not to Do after Zoom Teeth Whitening

A person smiles and points at their freshly whitened teeth.

Zoom teeth whitening is a popular choice for encouraging a brighter and more confident smile. Its ability to deliver noticeable results in as little as a single session makes it a go-to for people who value both effectiveness and efficiency. However, what you do—or rather don’t do—after your teeth-whitening session can significantly affect your result’s […]

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Does Teeth Whitening Damage Enamel?

A young woman at her dentist's office discussing teeth whitening.

A bright, white smile is often associated with good health and gives many of us some extra confidence. Many people turn to teeth whitening as an accessible way to enhance their appearance. But amidst the pursuit of pearly whites, concerns regarding the safety of these treatments, particularly their impact on tooth enamel, have emerged. So, […]

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How Long Does Zoom Whitening Last?

How Long Does Zoom Whitening Last? Discoloured teeth won’t necessarily cause health problems. However, they can be detrimental to a person’s self-esteem. This is where a professional teeth whitening treatment can be a great option. Getting your teeth professionally whitened will offer superior results to what you can get from a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash, especially for […]

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How to Prepare for Teeth Whitening

If you’re looking for a whiter smile, your dentist may recommend teeth whitening. This treatment can help brighten your smile, but it requires some preparation first.  Continue reading to learn more about teeth whitening, including how you can prepare for your treatment.  What Is Teeth Whitening?  The natural colour of someone’s teeth naturally falls within a range of […]

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