As a dental practice who marks oral surgery as one of their cornerstone offers, we here at Arch Dental take the topic of what you should know about IV sedation for oral sedation seriously. Today, we will be outlining some of your most frequently-asked questions surrounding IV sedation for oral surgery. “What Makes IV Sedation Arch […]
How to Know if You Are a Candidate for Veneers
How to know if you are a candidate for veneers? It’s a good question, and one we receive frequently here at Arch Dental. In today’s blog, we delve into how to determine your candidacy for veneers… and how the Arch Dental team is happy to tailor our veneer offerings to suit your specific wants and […]
Is It Worth Getting Dental Implants?
If you’ve been discussing the possibility of getting dental implants with your dentist, you may have quite a few questions running through your head such as: is it worth it to get dental implants? While it may come at a higher cost than other procedures, dental implants may be the exact solution you’ve been searching […]
COVID-19 Safety Update
We’re pleased to welcome you back to Arch Dental to provide you with the oral health treatments you want and need. We’re ready to see your smile again! Better yet, we’re ready to see your healthy smile again! In light of the recent pandemic and having to close our office to keep our staff and patients safe, […]
How Zoom Teeth Whitening Works
If you are self-conscious about the look of your teeth when you smile, Zoom Whitening can improve your confidence and make you look younger. However, it is necessary to determine if the Zoom Teeth Whitening treatment is right for you first. Do you want to find out more about this treatment? Here’s everything you need […]
Can Dental Implants Fall Out?
Things happen, and our permanent teeth can be knocked out, or sometimes they have to be taken out. If you’re looking for a permanent solution, dental implants may be a great option, especially if you don’t want a bridge or dentures. As with any procedure, dental implants have advantages and disadvantages. One major consideration is that dental implants don’t typically […]
Can You Eat With Veneers?
Can You Eat With Veneers? Veneers are a tool that restores or changes your smile and provides you with symmetrical teeth. They’re a cosmetic treatment your dentist may recommend if you’re eligible. But you may be wondering if you get veneers, can you still eat with them, or is there anything you should avoid? Continue reading to learn […]
How Long Does Zoom Whitening Last?
How Long Does Zoom Whitening Last? Discoloured teeth won’t necessarily cause health problems. However, they can be detrimental to a person’s self-esteem. This is where a professional teeth whitening treatment can be a great option. Getting your teeth professionally whitened will offer superior results to what you can get from a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash, especially for […]
Do You Need a Crown After a Root Canal?
Restoring a Tooth After a Root Canal Root canal therapy and dental crowns tend to go hand-in-hand, but how do you know if you need a crown? After endodontic treatment, are there more benefits to receiving a crown or leaving your natural tooth exposed? What Is Root Canal Treatment? Teeth have layers. The visible tooth or crown is the […]
How Long Does Invisalign Take?
Crooked teeth or large gaps are not necessarily signs of unhealthy teeth and gums. However, many people want to fix them if possible. A common solution that many people are aware of is traditional braces, but there is an alternative called Invisalign treatment. Instead of having brackets and metal wires on your teeth, this alternative treatment […]